Hello world!

Hello there! I figured I’d start blogging. The response from those that have seen this site has been very positive. I’m glad folks like it and are finding it useful. Seattle Greenways did a blog post on their site and cross posted on The Urbanist that looks at the cost of traffic violence. And this blog titled Google Maps mania picked it up, even though I’m not using Google Maps. Whatever, I’ll take it! =)
Why blog?
I plan to blog about new features as I add them. I may wind up blogging about how I made certain parts of the applications. Some folks have asked about that. I’ll be tweeting new blog posts as I write them. Following me on twitter is the best way to be alerted of new posts. I’m @timganter. One of the first features will be adding collisions by district.
Neighborhood boundaries updated
About a week ago I did make an update since “announcing” this project. I noticed that the neighborhood boundaries that I had were two years old. So, I updated those with the the latest boundaries from Zillow. That also added a few new neighborhoods. There are now 103 neighborhoods instead of the 78ish that were there before. That made me realize that I need to update the URLs for the neighborhoods to use a slug instead of IDs so the URLs don’t change. That’s on my to do list.
Thanks for reading!