To Do
After I find I job, I plan to continue working on this project. Below is a list of things I’d like to do. In no particular order. If you find something interesting, have questions, or suggestions, I can be reached at [email protected].
- Investigate features that can take advantage of geolocation on devices. For example, “collisions near me”.
- Investigate other ways of measuring / ranking. Per captia? Per square mile? Percentage of collisions? Etc.
- Toggle between economic and comprehensive costs.
- Ability to draw a custom boundary
- Investigate open sourcing the project
- Think about other data sets that I could combine this with
- Investigate predictive analysis. Can I use the data to predict conditions of a car crash? Severity of a car crash? TensorFlow!?!
- Add location pins to map on neighborhood view. Click on pin and see all collisions for that location.
- Make collisions by location. Enter locations and then view collisions for those locations.
- Investigate ways to analyze locations. Ex. location with most pedestrians hit, most injuries, etc.
Make additional views that could reveal interesting trends. For example…Day of the week with most collisions.
Month with the most collisions, etc. - Look into server-side rendering.
- Look into service workers & Progressive Web Apps.
- Light refactoring for front end code.
- Light refactoring for back end code.
- Look at areas to improve performance. Especially with map rendering lots of data.